Scary Facts about Life that Most are Ignoring

Blog Post 1: The argument made in the first video "Social media Revolution 2017" was that "social media" is a growing thing of the past, so many companies are making it about more than just showcasing your life to loved ones and close friends, but instead being able to connect, learn, inspire, and experience things one could not have even thought of in just the year of 2010 or earlier. The creators of snap-chat and Facebook are no longer marketing something aimed at teens or young adults, and for the usual keeping in touch with colleagues, yet to connect with others that are in the same field of work, share the same interest, and start businesses and networking through multiple applications supported through the apps such as; videos, and live streaming just an example of how  a fraction of the power these increasingly popular websites are gaining.

"Did you know 2028" is a video stating the argument of most of the things that one may find  common today such as teachers will soon be replaced with robots or machines implanted with artificial intelligence to advance the future generations, and at this rate the United States of America will inevitably fall behind the curve with the religion of Islam dominating the world, and the "average" human being a thirty-four year-old male of Indian descent. The video goes to prove that the world is always changing and the survival of the fittest applies to every aspect of life; economically, politically, and socially. If one is not able to stay above the wave, they drown and are forgotten about. 

The Youtube video of "Did you know that these two minutes can change your life"  develops the argument of that the jobs of today are requiring more and more immobility, which is the opposite of what our bodies were called to do. Humans are only digging their own grave as they are sitting at computers, televisions, and multiple modes of receiving information  for continuous long hours of their day, resulting in the average person sitting for thirty-one years of their entire lifetime; while also shortening ones life span by putting extra stress upon the body that it was not naturally meant for and cannot withstand it without devastating consequences. 

