If you are a minor, do you know your rights?

Blog Post 4

In "The Convention of Rights of the Child"  the articles are presented in two different modes; the standard format with straight to the point, bulleted sentences; and the other being a photo essay which is essentially a collage of photographs that work in tandem with the words to appeal more to the audience.
There are both pros and cons about each besides that one can be slightly more entertaining than the other. The conventional version of simply just writing out the information and then clicking "post" does give the reader the unswerving facts and what they need to know in black and white, in addition to it being the easier way to convey a message, it is easier to preserve in the way that anything that is written on paper it can become a record of an era and time that is always easy to be used in formal writings unlike if one uses a picture and the picture may not "exist" anymore, it inevitably makes the entire work invalid and a waste of time. Along with the previous reasons mention written communication is also ideal due to the fact that the chances of distortion taking place are lower than
that of an image; some cons of written communication would be, it takes an extremely long time to type up an entire essay or for example the actual conventions of rights of the child pretty sure one did not type it all in a day, considering grammatical and formatting the page along with just plain human error. Writing may seem to be a great idea until one starts thinking of those who are illiterate, written communication is only conceivable to those who can actually read and understand what is written for it to be effective in its purpose. Concluding the negatives for written communication would be the usage of complex words or different styles can confuse the audience and alter how one perceives the information, in the same way, that in some English literature color is spelt colour; one would need somewhat of some background information to understand what the author is still trying to convey.
Photo essays can be helpful and discouraging in an array of reasons; It can aid in breaking down difficult words used in the written aspect of the picture, also helping in the comprehension area for the audience. But if an image is presented alone without ay text, then it leaves many conclusions to be drawn by the audience because there is no rigid structure stating the main purpose. Many can read a photograph in many different ways and some of the reasoning behind that can be due to how susceptible images are to being distorted and arranged in a way that the author did not intend. While both forms work ideally the same way, to get the information to the reader; I believe that one does work significantly better than another in this circumstance. The photo essay works in the pathos (emotional) aspect into the conventions, giving the reader a face or a child to connect the words with and truly be able to comprehend the material because now the reader has a vivid literal image of a child that is affected by the convention of rights of the child. The standard form only aids in spitting out the information and is extremely dull when being compared to pictures that colors that pop, animations, and real-life examples of what the idea of what the actual written portion is attempting to get across.
The convention of rights of the child photo essay edition each have a picture that is supposed to aid in the perception of the actual article being presented, the creator of the photo essay is simply attempting to give the audience a face or child to attach to these articles to make them more hard-hitting. Article 59 states, "the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts [of the Convention] are equally authenticÖî Childhood itself is a right, worthy of protection in every nation. A family, Viet Nam." and the picture that is accompanying the article shows a little girl who is
smiling on the back of a bicycle, I find that this picture is so pleasing and helps the article out due to the fact that when I think of childhood I think of playing outside, being dirty, and riding bikes until night time which connected with me which is the pathos that is embedded.
The way that violence is depicted in video media challenges everything that is shown in photo essays, due to the reason that video media is seen as violence without a cause or fictional and usually have a plot of a superhero having to overcome something that is internal such has overcoming irrational fears, and many other minor situations. In this photo essay the violence depicted throughout gives the audience a reason why children need the rights that are talked about, because not everywhere in the world is developed and safe, even the purest of the pure; children are not safe in many countries. The violence shown in the images shows how cruel this world can truly be and just how serious these articles are and can be to children in developing countries.


  1. you blog was very interesting and the picture caught my eye! I totally agree with you on your argument !

  2. Not only did you answer every requirement for the blog post, but you explained it diligently. All I can say is to make your images bigger, so it can emphasize your writing. Great job, Jordan!!


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